Pain is the first 4 letters of painting! Did you know that?
This photo is from last weekend when Pete helped us put the ceiling panels up. He is a hero! <3
No matter how great it looks with paint, it is a pain!
The neck, the arms and the hair! Paint everywhere Pain everywhere 😊
The result though, great! Absolutely transformational and we are so happy. And just a few days after we forget about the painful experience. At least until next time
(sill got the bathroom and all the trims and windows to do)
This weekend didn’t only deliver a complete pain [t] job, we had a relaxing driving Saturday to a furniture store in Auckland called Swedish Furniture. They sell IKEA furniture. We found a daybed that will do the trick in our lounge until we have the time to make the perfect built in model. [Flekke - IKEA]
Swedish furniture fits perfectly in a Swedish car 😊
All we want to do at this stage is to move in and enjoy our amazing house.
This Thursday we are going to be able to turn on a light switch for our main lights thanks to our amazing electrician. Not sure how long though as we are not connected to the solar panels.