This long weekend have been way to short. We didn't only have to wrap this massive [TINY] house. We also hadto move to a new address. The Tiny house is still not liveable as you may understand.
The Wrapping is building paper which gets put on the outside of the house structure and the cavity battens (the green things) sits on top of that and thereafter the exterior cladding will go on. This will allow the inside to stay dry and clean.
Along the bottom plate on the outside we have put a '' vermin strip 2.8 Cavity Vent Strip The PRIMAflexTM cavity system must incorporate a cavity vent strip to close off the bottom of the cavity and provide resistance against the penetration of vermin. The vermin strip must be in accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph The vent strip must be manufactured from PVC, aluminium or stainless steel, and be punched with 3 - 5 mm holes or slots which provide a minimum ventilation opening area of 1000 mm2 per lineal metre of wall.''
Another totally new experience was flashing around the windows, the stickiest tape in the universe. haha! This is to prevent the windows from leaking. We don't want that!
Next step, cover the roof framing, put the exterior cladding on as well as put the doors and windows in place. We are going with Matt Black ' Flaxpod ' Joinery.
Can't wait to move in :) Key is in the door!